Nothing is Wrong...Honest Monsters

Nothing is Wrong...Honest Monsters

You're okay.

I mean, not really.

But you know, not suffering. Maybe you need to drink water. Or shower, or go for a walk. Something's off, anyway, some need is unmet. Or maybe it's something bigger than that, maybe you're surfing on an existential crisis, riding the crest of a massive wave of anxiety, but you know you're inevitably going to wipe out, either on the feeling or the terrible state of things.

Life is stressful. The background radiation of anxiety seems to be getting more intense- is there some sort of cream for that, yet? I want to tell you it gets better. And it will (kind of) in that this mood inside of you will scoot on at some point. You are part of a big, churning, and terrifying world, everything outside of you is unpredictable and can only be controlled to varying degrees. But the world inside of you, while sometimes big, churning, and terrifying, can also fit in the palm of your hand. When you feel shadows in your stomach, close your eyes and find what's casting them--it may be this little bird, who is a bit self-conscious that he's not taller.



This is one of the next generation of Honest Monsters. The first 100 are available in my book which you can get here.


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