Honest Monsters - I Feel Weird

Honest Monsters - I Feel Weird

Honest Monsters. This little Piglet has been with you for a long time, stirring a big, frothy pot. You try to act like it's not happening. Try not to ruffle any feathers, hurt any feelings, or take more than your fair share, but it seems like you keep getting stepped on. You blame yourself for not moving quickly enough, but maybe it would make more sense to simply let someone know *you're there*? In any case, you let this piglet stir his pot, even though you can see it start to boil over, sending hot broth around your tiptoes.

There's an old saying, "Closed mouths don't get fed," but it seems easier to convince yourself you weren't hungry anyway. It's hard to let the world know what you want or need, especially if it's something as big as "Help." Standing up for yourself runs the risk of embarrassment, rejection, or both. You may lose connections you think, at least at the time, are important to you.

You aren't always going to get it right, but it's worth trying, bit by bit, to let the world know that you're there, and where your edges happen to be. When you're not sure where the lines lie, think back to this piglet, and the amount he's let his soup spill over.

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